A Gallop Through the Stars

2 min readMay 22, 2024

Random Thoughts

There is a moment of awareness. A moment when you know if I get up on that horse I’m going to have to ride and face monsters. And then you do it

Beneath the swirling silver moon, aloft in night’s embrace,

A child and a steed of sapphire hue take flight with fearsome grace.

The wind, it whispers secrets, through manes as wild as seas,

And eyes that glow with courage, despite the chill of breeze.

In clouds like cotton ramparts, they ride the boundless sky,

A pact of silent understanding, no need to question why.

For though the shadows threaten, with monsters grim and grand,

It’s in the heart’s own chambers where the truest challenges stand.

With wings that beat the rhythms of a heart both strong and keen,

The child clutches tightly, her spirit fierce, unseen.

This journey not of timidity, but one of brave intent,

For in the grip of realization, fears become relent.

They gallop through the whispers of the night so dark and deep,

Where dreams and nightmares intertwine and wakeful thoughts do sleep.

Yet in this moment, stark and true, she knows the risks she rides,

And yet she charges forward, where destiny abides.

For in the space of breathing, between a dream and day,

Lies the choice to rise and conquer, or quietly dismay.

She mounts the horse of azure dreams, and races through the fray,

To face the beast of doubts and fears, in her valiant, bold ballet.

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