He journeyed far, across realms unknown,
Through gates of stars and worlds of stone.
He gathered tech from alien lands,
Forged it deep within his hands.
With every piece, he grew more grand,
A godlike force, at his command.
He changed his form, both flesh and steel,
And soon forgot what it meant to feel.
He rose above, beyond the clouds,
Far from the world and maddened crowds.
The hunter now, yet hunted too,
By those who feared what he could do.
They saw the power in his frame,
And cursed the man he had became.
For in his eyes, no mercy lay,
Just cold precision, night and day.
But once alone, above the earth,
He pondered all his strength was worth.
Was there purpose in his might,
Or had he traded wrong for right?
He watched them live, the world below,
With hearts of warmth he couldn’t know.
He’d gained the stars, but lost his soul,
A drifting shell with no true goal.
The weapon he’d become at last,
Could not erase the life he’d passed.
And though he held all power grand,
He felt no urge to raise his hand.
For empathy was lost to him,
A shadow faint, a memory dim.
Above the clouds, beyond the sky,
A god, alone, who could not cry.
And there he sat, no anger left,
Of all he’d gained, yet most bereft.
For power vast could not restore,
The heart he’d lost forevermore.
So heed his tale, the fate he earned —
Some things, once gone, cannot return.
For beyond the clouds, where gods reside,
There is no warmth, just hollow pride.
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